This is an announcement. UCF has posted a draft policy, it is 4-216 DRAFT High Risk Entity Policy. Please look it over, especially those of you who are either international faculty or your research, grants and/or scholarly associations are overseas.

This new policy is in response to the Florida Legislature and their recent Statute 288.860.

According to this legislation there is a scrutiny of any professional relationships with foreign counties of concern. According to the legislation, a “Foreign country of concern” means the People’s Republic of China, the Russian Federation, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the Republic of Cuba, the Venezuelan regime of Nicolás Maduro, or the Syrian Arab Republic, including any agency of or any other entity under significant control of such foreign country of concern.”

The policy draft directs you to a list of international organizations labeled “High Risk Entities.” 

The UCF Policy is below:

The Link to Comment on it (note for 14 days) is below:

If this impacts you please comment on this policy, if you want to alert our union of anything in the policy please contact us.

Robert Cassanello
President, UFF-UCF