Bargaining Session Dec. 15 @ 1:30pm

We will have another bargaining session on December 15, 2021 at 1:30pm. You can access the virtual meeting link here:

This Bargaining Session is important, we encourage everyone to attend. Bargaining meetings at UCF are public, and more participation sends a message of our concern about our future contract. We have been trying to negotiate a raise for our bargaining unit in an environment of a higher cost of living and inflation that is eating away at our base salary. The administration has not budged beyond their original 2.5% offer. We submitted our salary proposal in February 2021 while continuing to bargain other articles, leaving the rest of the contract for later in the year, but UCF administrators said no: there would be no compensation until the entire contract is negotiated. Then, late in this bargaining sequence, the administration proposed article revisions that are unacceptable: they would change the nature of our work as we know it. Many of you are concerned about lawmakers in Tallahassee abolishing or changing the nature of tenure. So far, that threat is not at the capital but it is local; the administration’s proposed changes to the Disciplinary Article (16) with the right for UCF to have “discipline start with suspension or termination.” Our Bargaining Team will work hard to keep the rights we already enjoy and get the best compensation package we can during these full-book negotiations.

So, to protect our working conditions, we continue to fight. In the meantime, we have not gotten a raise since 2019 while other workers and administrators at UCF have received raises: the UCF Police received a well-deserved 3% raise in 2020, and President Cartwright received a $197,000 bonus last month. Like you, we would like to see raises sooner than later. So we need your support in making it clear to our administration that we care and are concerned.

Please come out to Bargaining on December 15 at 1:30pm and support our Bargaining Team.

You can access the virtual meeting link here:

In Solidarity,

Robert Cassanello,
UFF-UCF, President