Our Bargaining Team negotiated a new COVID MOU through this summer. We will soon host a ratification of this agreement. I will announce details when I know them. Please look over the agreement here.
Reminder Free Coffee
Don’t forget coffee on us this summer. If you give us your name and address (and you are in the bargaining unit), we will mail you a $10 gift card for Foxtail Coffee. They have numerous locations around Orlando, one on University Blvd as well as in the campus bookstore in the John T. Washington Center.
You have until May 10 to put your order in for the card, with cards being mailed out by the end of May. During the summer send us a photo of your cup of coffee.
The form to request the card is here.
Full Book Bargaining
Remember we are still bargaining the next Collective Bargaining Agreement. This will continue throughout the summer and into the fall. We sponsored Full Book Bargaining Town Halls during the spring semester. If you have feedback or want to speak with the Bargaining Team just let us know and we would like to hear what is on your mind. You can see the current state of bargaining on our website here.
In Solidarity,
Robert Cassanello,
President, UFF-UCF