I want to send this brief email out to all bargaining unit members to alert you that the Orlando Sentinel is reporting that staff at the Valencia College West FEMA site are vaccinating UCF faculty.
According to the article, “The federal COVID-19 vaccination site at the Valencia College West Campus in Orlando appears to have given vaccines to university professors if they showed their faculty ID card, according to a faculty member who received one.”
I don’t know if and how much of this is official but I thought this information is valuable to us as college and university faculty were left off the recent decision by the Governor and other state leaders to vaccinate us along with K-12 faculty.
I cannot confirm how long this will last but the article ends with this cautionary statement, “Regarding that site, FEMA spokesman Marty Bahamonde said the agency is looking into the claims, adding that the site and others should be following state and federal guidelines.”
According to the article and union members who have personally confirmed in email and texts to me that they have been successfully vaccinating at this site with only a UCF ID.
Valencia College, West Campus
1800 S Kirkman Rd, Orlando, FL 32811
Directions to Valencia West Campus are here.
In Solidarity,
Robert Cassanello
UFF-UCF President